Simple pyramids drawings
Simple pyramids drawings

simple pyramids drawings

And not only that, but having some dynamic shapes in there and some shape contrast is really going to help your character design. Shape is incredibly important, too, because shape language kind of makes people feel different emotions. Even parts that you can't see that are kind of invisible lines in your head, like the line of action, for example. It makes up your shapes, it makes up every part of your drawing. Now we're going to go into more detail about this in the next few lectures, but for now, you just need to understand that line is really important and it's the base of everything you do. So just that simple line just kind of gives us a line of action to base the rest of our pose off of. But you can see that I start out with that line right there and that would be our line of action. You can see I can kind of draw a simple little character in here.

simple pyramids drawings

So, for example, if we draw a line like that, that's our line of action. So some examples of this would be a line of action. There's all different types of lines that you're going to have to be able to draw. You have to be able to draw curved lines. You have to be able to draw straight lines.


If you don't understand how to draw a line, then you're not going to be very good at drawing all the other parts of your character. Now, the foundation of your character drawings is going to be a line. So you want to make sure that you have a really strong foundation. If your foundation or the base of your house isn't well built, then everything else on top is just going to fall over and crumble. The base of it is going to be the biggest part and it's also going to be the most important part. So let's go ahead and let's start talking about it.


You can download this pyramid with all of the separate parts of it, and you can print it off, you can put it on your wall or whatever, but it's almost like a checklist and you can look at it over and over again and just remember the order of operations, basically. So I have this as a downloadable resource. Now, this pyramid is going to be one of the most important things that you understand about drawing characters and just drawing in general. But in this course, I'm going to teach you how it applies to drawing characters. Now, if you've taken one of my other courses, you've probably seen this before. In this lecture, we're going to be learning about the drawing fundamental pyramid.

Simple pyramids drawings